Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This morning Benjamin rolled over. It may not seem like a big deal and I'm pretty sure that children number 3, 4, and 5 didn't see such a flurry of excitement. After our first two we were pretty content to let things happen as they happen and content to see them finally, um, happen. :)
I can't say Ben has spent much time on the floor (scary as a sixth child), or that I've been practicing with him, but seeing him perform this milestone was a miracle for me and something I've been anticipating for about a month.
After the first time we all gathered around and cheered as we made him perform for whomever had missed it. It's amazing the lift this small act gave me. I now know:
1. He won't always be just a few months old, small, and susceptible.
2. He is growing just fine.
3. Although the doctors talked about a potential need for physical therapists and such, my gut feeling is so far true, loving parents and 5 cheering siblings are all he needs.


The Randy Man and Ma Ma Jo said...

Happy Day!!!! Thank you sooooo much for the update!! I know it takes a lot just to get you at the computer for the few minutes it takes to blog. But we appreciate it. so congrats on a few minutes at the computer, and on the roll over. However, teh now mobile boy sill be every where, you remember what that is like, right? Love Connie

brooke said...

congrats jen, bart and ben on the milestone!


Karen said...

Jen, It's been a long time since I looked at your blog. (I bookmarked it on my computer, but accidentally bookmarked a specific post instead of the homepage, so I didn't know you'd been updating it! Brilliant me!)
I can't believe how much has happened in 10 years. Your family is beautiful and I admire you so much. It looks like things have been challenging. I wish we lived close again (like in Wymount), then I could have your kids over to play and give you a little break. Congrats to Ben, though!

Cynthia said...

Congrats to Ben! I looked up your blog after I got your New Year's Letter. I hadn't seen it since about the time Ben was born. I love to see how you and your family have thrived and found joy in the little things all through the challenge. Our little Hazel came just 6 weeks early, with me in the hospital 3 weeks before that, and spent what felt like a long 2 weeks in the hospital. Nothing compared to your experience, but gives me some idea of the days and night you aren't writing about. Oh, and Bart, good luck on the dissertation. :)