Thursday, August 28, 2008

Umm, never mind.

You know those trials that make you grow? I must not be paying much attention because I sometimes feel like we are being given quite a few lately.
Colorado is out, on hold? I'm not sure how to label it. We got called two days ago and told that they weren't ready for us. There is talk about consulting for the next 4 months and maybe being hired on full time in Jan.
We are still here in Oregon, looking at other jobs, again. It might work out in Colorado but I am frankly disgusted with how this all played out. So we shall see if I like them in a couple of months (disdainful sniff) :).
So we will keep plugging along, now the question is, how much should I unpack?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catch ya on the flip side.

Well, at the moment it looks like we will be moving to Colorado. We should have the final, final job offer tomorrow. However, we are planning on leaving Oregon this week in order to spend a few days with family in Idaho. Then, we will be in Logan for a week or so for Bart to be able to take care of things at USU and so we can attend the sealing of some of our dearest friends. That's all we know. Bart is planning on going to Colorado after that, but when and how the kids and I will get there, or where we will live are still very much up in the air. Ah, how I love these adventures! :) Keep us in your prayers that things will be opened up as we try to move forward. I don't know when I'll get to post again and from where. So catch you on the flip side!
Love-The Palmers

Slip and slide fun!

Enoch and the Butterfly

Yesterday Enoch called me over to show me he had a butterfly/moth friend. We have read about butterflies and so he knew not to touch it's wings. He had waited quietly and patiently and it had finally crawled onto his fingers. It sat there patiently while I tried to take a picture, discovered the batteries were dead, ran back to my room, got new batteries, tried to take more pictures only to discover that the settings were off, got things corrected and finally took those pictures. Whew! What an awesome experience for Enoch!

Multnomah Falls

After we went to Mt. Rainer the kids went with Grandma Schoenwald and Bart, Nathan and I flew out for an interview in Colorado. On our way home from picking them back up we made our stop at Multnomah falls, another childhood favorite. (Ignore the bad traveling pictures of me.)

Hi ya'll

Mt. Rainer

We went camping up at Mt. Rainer in Washington with Grandma Schoenwald and Aunt Steph. We used to go when I was a kid all the time and we have been wanting to do this with our family for a long time. It was the best! So check out the next several posts about our trip!

Joel and Mosquitos

Joel and mosquitos just don't get along. He has always had bad reactions to mosquito bites so we kept him well sprayed. However, our efforts were in vain. They LOVED Joel! Didn't really care about anybody else. So Joel looked like he had chicken pox! At least he's still smiling!

Camp and it's wildlife

Here is a picture of our camp, which included Grandma Schoenwald and Aunt Steph.
Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of taking pictures of all the cute kids and forget to take pictures of the not-so-cute adults. However, Grandma and Steph are cute enough to sneak them in there now and then! (I also try to be BEHIND the camera as much as possible!)
We had lots of critters camping with us. Squirrels, Stellar's Jays, a vole and Two frogs.

Silver Falls

Another one of our favorite hikes is Silver Falls. The flooding a few years ago destroyed some of the lookouts but you can still get close to them on the rocks.

Our Campfire Band

The kids started a band up at camp. They would find wood, sticks, and rocks and pretend to play instruments. One of them would be chosen to be the lead singer and the rest of them would "play" and hum along as best as they could. They did this constantly when we were at camp. It was hilarious and so creative!

Why we love Paradise.

There is a part of Mt. Rainer park called Paradise. It has amazing views! Here are some shots from there.

The CD Cover

This is a picture of the boys crashed out after our hiking up at Paradise. It's usually pretty chilly up there but it had been unusually hot and I had not noticed that they had put on long sleeve shirts under their jackets! So they were hot and tired. When we got to the lookout at the visitor's center they took a breather on the cushions. Bart says this picture looks like the cover of a cd for a boys band.

The Grove of the Patriarchs

One of the trails we went on at Mt. Rainer was the Grove of the Patriarchs. It's really amazing to see all the large, old trees. The new bridge is skinny and you can only go across one at a time because it is small and bounces a lot. That was quite an adventure!

The Grove of the Patriarchs #2

We took individual shots of each of the kids in the Grove. As you will see in the next post, Nathan challenged that idea. :)

Grove of the Patriarchs and Nathan

No, just stay, stay,
NO, just stay there!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

She can knit! Sort of......

Now, I admit my craftiness comes and goes. My mother-in-law showed me how to knit a wash cloth once. It had one long corner.............. :)
However, I found out about a month or so ago that our RS president knits socks. Learning how to knit socks has been one of those quirky aspirations of mine. So she has been teaching a few of us.
Imagine my horror when I found out I would be using not one, not two, but 4-5 needles at a time! They look like miniature bamboo skewers. (Which explains why Naomi is always trying to put our real bamboo skewers into my yarn!)
Needless to say, I restarted 4 times and had to go to my mentor for fixing 1-2 times a week, but I am slowly progressing. I may actually get to the foot eventually! I am enjoying my new skill and I after I finish this pair ( sometime next year :) I want to make some for the kids.
The other fabric in the picture is my "knitting bag." (Sorry I didn't picture it too.) It's a reversable bag I made in one of my craftier moments. I love it!