Sunday, August 3, 2008

She can knit! Sort of......

Now, I admit my craftiness comes and goes. My mother-in-law showed me how to knit a wash cloth once. It had one long corner.............. :)
However, I found out about a month or so ago that our RS president knits socks. Learning how to knit socks has been one of those quirky aspirations of mine. So she has been teaching a few of us.
Imagine my horror when I found out I would be using not one, not two, but 4-5 needles at a time! They look like miniature bamboo skewers. (Which explains why Naomi is always trying to put our real bamboo skewers into my yarn!)
Needless to say, I restarted 4 times and had to go to my mentor for fixing 1-2 times a week, but I am slowly progressing. I may actually get to the foot eventually! I am enjoying my new skill and I after I finish this pair ( sometime next year :) I want to make some for the kids.
The other fabric in the picture is my "knitting bag." (Sorry I didn't picture it too.) It's a reversable bag I made in one of my craftier moments. I love it!

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